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Does Cream Cheese Frosting Need to be Refrigerated

Cream cheese frosting is a beloved and classic frosting used for many years in baking and cake decorating. It’s a rich and creamy frosting made with cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract. So, to answer the question “Does cream cheese frosting need to be refrigerated” is a must.

This frosting is used to top cakes, Donuts, cupcakes, and even cookies. It’s famous for its tangy flavor and smooth texture, making it an ideal topping for various desserts.

Factors like temperature, humidity, storage duration, and the type of dessert can impact whether or not the frosting needs refrigeration. Consuming spoiled frosting can be dangerous and lead to food poisoning.

In this blog post, we will explore the science behind cream cheese frosting, most importantly, whether or not it needs to be refrigerated. 

So, whether you’re a professional baker or love to bake as a hobby, stay tuned to learn everything you need about cream cheese frosting and its storage requirements.

Understanding Cream Cheese Frosting

Does Cream Cheese Frosting Need to be Refrigerated

Ingredients of cream cheese frosting

Cream cheese frosting is a staple in baking and cake decorating. It’s made with simple ingredients, including cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract. 

The cream cheese gives the frosting a tangy flavor and a smooth, creamy texture that pairs perfectly with a wide range of desserts.

What makes cream cheese frosting perishable

One thing that sets cream cheese frosting apart from other types of frosting is its perishability. This is because cream cheese is a perishable dairy product that can spoil quickly if not stored properly. 

The high-fat content in cream cheese makes it a prime target for bacteria growth, so handling and storing cream cheese frosting is important.

Difference between cream cheese frosting from other types

Cream cheese frosting is denser and creamier than buttercream frosting or whipped cream frosting and has a tangy flavor that pairs well with many desserts. It is made with cream cheese, which makes it more perishable than other types of frosting. 

While buttercream frosting is lighter and fluffier and whipped cream frosting is very soft and fluffy, cream cheese frosting must be handled and stored carefully to prevent spoilage.

Understanding the differences between frosting types and following guidelines for handling and storing cream cheese frosting to create safe and delicious desserts is important.

Factors to Consider during storage of cream cheese frosting

A few factors must be considered when storing cream cheese frosting to ensure it remains safe and fresh. Let’s look at some of the most important factors to consider.

Does Cream Cheese Frosting Need to be Refrigerated

Temperature and Humidity

One of the main factors that can impact the safety and shelf life of cream cheese frosting is temperature and humidity. This frosting should be kept in a cool, dry place to prevent it from melting or becoming too soft. 

High temperatures and humidity can cause the frosting to spoil more quickly, so keeping it where the temperature and humidity are relatively stable is essential.

Storage Duration

Another factor to consider when storing cream cheese frosting is the storage duration. Storage duration refers to the length of time the frosting can be kept before it is used or thrown away.

Generally speaking, cream cheese frosting should be used within 3-4 days of being made, as the longer it’s stored, the greater the risk of spoilage.

Type of Cake or Dessert

The type of cake or dessert and the serving environment can impact the storage of cream cheese frosting. 

For example, the frosting may need refrigeration if the cake is served outdoors on a hot day. It’s essential to follow recipe instructions and proper storage guidelines to ensure the safety and quality of the cream cheese frosting.

How to Refrigerate Cream Cheese Frosting

Refrigerating cream cheese frosting is a great way to extend its shelf life and prevent spoilage. However, there are some best practices to remember when storing this type of frosting to ensure that it remains safe to eat and retains its delicious flavor and texture. 


Here are some tips on how to refrigerate cream cheese frosting:

Best practices for storing cream cheese frosting

When refrigerating cream cheese frosting,

  • Store it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out or absorbing any odors from other foods in the fridge.
  • Label the container with the date to track how long it’s been stored. 
  • Always store the frosting in the refrigerator within two hours of making it to minimize the risk of spoilage.

How to bring stored cream cheese frosting to room temperature

When you’re ready to use the refrigerated cream cheese frosting, you’ll need to bring it back to room temperature. To do this, remove it from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour.

Alternatively, you can microwave the frosting in 10-15 second bursts, stirring between each burst, until it’s softened to the desired consistency.

Tips for Using Refrigerated Frosting 

When using refrigerated cream cheese frosting, it’s important to note that it may be slightly thicker to spread than at room temperature. Add a tablespoon of milk or cream to the frosting and beat it until it reaches the desired consistency to make it easier to work with.

Additionally, if you’re using the frosting for a cake or dessert that will be served cold, you don’t necessarily need to bring it back to room temperature before using it.

The Impact on Safety and Quality

As a food safety and quality professional, I emphasize the importance of proper food safety practices when baking and decorating cakes with cream cheese frosting. 

cup cake

Consuming spoiled cream cheese frosting can pose a severe health risk, and it’s crucial to take all necessary precautions to prevent contamination and spoilage.

The Dangers of Consuming Spoiled Cream Cheese Frosting

When cream cheese frosting is not stored properly or for an extended period, it can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, and E. Coli. 

Consuming spoiled frosting can result in foodborne illness, which can cause a range of symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and even in severe cases, hospitalization or death.

The Importance of Proper Food Safety Practices 

Proper food safety practices include washing your hands thoroughly before handling food, using clean utensils and surfaces, and storing food at the correct temperature. 

  • When it comes to cream cheese frosting, storing it in the refrigerator and using it within a specific time frame is essential.
  • Always check the expiration date on the cream cheese before making the frosting, and never use cream cheese that has passed its expiration date. 
  • Additionally, use a clean, sterilized, airtight container when storing frosting in the refrigerator.


When deciding whether or not to refrigerate cream cheese frosting, the factors include temperature and humidity, storage duration, and the type of cake or dessert you’re making. It’s important to remember these factors to ensure the safety and quality of your cream cheese frosting.

Based on our discussion, I recommend refrigerating cream cheese frosting unless you plan to use it within a few hours. If you’re making a cake or dessert that needs to be stored for a more extended time, or if you live in a humid or warm environment, it’s best to refrigerate the frosting to prevent spoilage and maintain its quality.

Following the tips and recommendations in this article, you can ensure that your cream cheese frosting is safe, high-quality, and delicious. Read this dairy-related article also.


Can cream cheese frosting be left out?

It is not recommended to leave cream cheese frosting out for more than two hours, as it is more perishable than other types of frosting and can spoil at room temperature.

How long can cream cheese frosting sit out?

Cream cheese frosting can sit out at room temperature for up to two hours. After that, it should be refrigerated to prevent spoilage.

Does cream cheese icing need to be refrigerated?

Yes, cream cheese frosting should be refrigerated to prevent spoilage. It is more perishable than other types of frosting and can spoil quickly if left at room temperature for too long.

How long can cream cheese frosting last in the fridge?

Cream cheese frosting can last up to five days in the refrigerator if stored properly in an airtight container or wrapped in wax paper. It should be kept away from strong-smelling foods to prevent the absorption of their odors.

Do cakes with cream cheese frosting need to be refrigerated?

Yes, cakes with cream cheese frosting should be refrigerated to prevent spoilage. The frosting is more perishable than other types and can spoil quickly if left at room temperature for too long.

Muhammad Abdullah

As a blog editor with a background in Food Science and Technology, I'm passionate about producing informative and engaging content. With practical knowledge gained from experience in Food testing labs and industries, I aim to deliver high-quality posts that provide value to our readers.